Results for 'Benito F. Reyes'

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  1. Moments without self.Benito F. Reyes - 1960 - Manila,: Pillar Pub. House.
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    (3 other versions)Vii.—New books. [REVIEW]C. A. F. Reys Davids - 1906 - Mind 15 (57):122-b-124.
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    Remarks on the Configuration Space Approach to Spin-Statistics.Andrés F. Reyes-Lega & Carlos Benavides - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):1004-1029.
    The angular momentum operators for a system of two spin-zero indistinguishable particles are constructed, using Isham’s Canonical Group Quantization method. This mathematically rigorous method provides a hint at the correct definition of (total) angular momentum operators, for arbitrary spin, in a system of indistinguishable particles. The connection with other configuration space approaches to spin-statistics is discussed, as well as the relevance of the obtained results in view of a possible alternative proof of the spin-statistics theorem.
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    On the Geometry of the Berry-Robbins Approach to Spin-Statistics.Nikolaos Papadopoulos & Andrés F. Reyes-Lega - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):829-851.
    Within a geometric and algebraic framework, the structures which are related to the spin-statistics connection are discussed. A comparison with the Berry-Robbins approach is made. The underlying geometric structure constitutes an additional support for this approach. In our work, a geometric approach to quantum indistinguishability is introduced which allows the treatment of singlevaluedness of wave functions in a global, model independent way.
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    Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of Child and Youth Resilience Measure.María Llistosella, Teresa Gutiérrez-Rosado, Rocío Rodríguez-Rey, Linda Liebenberg, Ángela Bejarano, Juana Gómez-Benito & Joaquín T. Limonero - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Philosophy of education in a new key: A collective writing project on the state of Filipino philosophy of education.Gina A. Opiniano, Liz Jackson, Franz Giuseppe F. Cortez, Elizer Jay de los Reyes, Marella Ada V. Mancenido-Bolaños, Fleurdeliz R. Altez-Albela, Rodrigo Abenes, Jennifer Monje, Tyrene Joy B. Basal, Peter Paul E. Elicor, Ruby S. Suazo & Rowena Azada-Palacios - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1256-1270.
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    (1 other version)Science et loi. [REVIEW]H. T. C., Abel Rey, F. Jonseth, Henri Mineur, A. Berthoud, L. Cuenot, Henri Pieron, Henri Wallon, Maurice Halbwachs, Francois Simiand, Victor Chapot & Lucien Febvre - 1934 - Journal of Philosophy 31 (25):698.
  8.  20
    Expressive Power and Intensional Operators.Pablo Cubides Kovacsics & David Rey - 2024 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 33 (2):107-141.
    In Entities and Indices, M. J. Cresswell argued that a first-order modal language can reach the expressive power of natural-language modal discourse only if we give to the formal language a semantics with indices containing infinite possible worlds and we add to it an infinite collection of operators $${{\varvec{actually}}}_n$$ actually n and $$ Ref _n$$ R e f n which store and retrieve worlds. In the fourth chapter of the book, Cresswell gave a proof that the resulting intensional language, which (...)
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  9. O visível e o inteligível. Estudos sobre a percepção e o pensamento na Filosofia Grega Antiga.Miriam Campolina Diniz Peixoto, Marcelo Pimenta Marques, Fernando Rey Puente, M. C. D. Peixoto, M. P. Marques & F. R. Puente - 2012
    This book collects texts from three specialists in ancient philosophy which deal with the question of perceptive and intellective knowledge in antiquity. They try to present, in their different analyzes, the complex interrelationship among perception and thought in ancient authors, like Heraclitus, Parmenides, Democritus, Plato and Aristotle. The purpose of the texts is to expose the visible field - the perceptual knowledge domain - interacts with the invisible - the domain of reason and thought. In other words, that among them (...)
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  10. Red light project gets the green light.R. Biswas, B. L. Nuno-Gutierrez, A. Hidalgo San Martin, O. H. Lopez, M. G. Rivera, E. Sacayon, C. de la Rey, A. Parekh, K. Cash & F. David - 1996 - Nexus 6 (5):3.
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    F. Rey Puente, Os sentidos do tempo em Aristóteles, S'o Paulo 2001 (Ediçôes Loyola, 381 págs.).Paloma Baño Henríquez - 2002 - Méthexis 15 (1):167-169.
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    Characterization of the assessable professional performance of statistical information in medical students.Arnaldo Espindola Artola, Evelio F. Machado Ramírez, Cila E. Mola Reyes & Reinaldo Sampedro Ruiz - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (1):107-123.
    El Ministerio de Salud Pública cubano ha otorgado especial importancia al tema relacionado con el desempeño profesional evaluativo de la información estadística en los profesionales de la salud, pero una revisión bibliográfica permitió constatar el insuficiente debate pedagógico encaminado a diagnosticar su estado actual para proponer alternativas que permitan su formación y desarrollo en los estudiantes. Este artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar el desempeño profesional evaluativo de la información estadística en estudiantes de Medicina. Los resultados obtenidos con la aplicación de (...)
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    Andres Manjon: Estudio de su Sistema Pedagogico.A. C. F. Beales & Angel Benito Y. Duran - 1957 - British Journal of Educational Studies 5 (2):192.
  14. Dettmann, CP, 641.J. T. Devreese, R. Aurich, N. L. Balazs, M. Barth, J. D. Bekenstein, R. M. Benito, K. F. Berggren, N. Berglund, M. Berry & R. Blümel - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (12).
  15.  26
    New Perspectives for Computer-Aided Discrimination of Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor.P. Povalej Bržan, J. A. Gallego, J. P. Romero, V. Glaser, E. Rocon, J. Benito-León, F. Bermejo-Pareja, I. J. Posada & A. Holobar - 2017 - Complexity:1-17.
    Pathological tremor is a common but highly complex movement disorder, affecting ~5% of population older than 65 years. Different methodologies have been proposed for its quantification. Nevertheless, the discrimination between Parkinson’s disease tremor and essential tremor remains a daunting clinical challenge, greatly impacting patient treatment and basic research. Here, we propose and compare several movement-based and electromyography-based tremor quantification metrics. For the latter, we identified individual motor unit discharge patterns from high-density surface electromyograms and characterized the neural drive to a (...)
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  16. Rey A. - "la Théorie De La Physique Chez Les Physiciens Contemporains". [REVIEW]F. Enriques - 1907 - Scientia 1 (2):375.
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  17. Rey, A. - Les Mathématiques En Grèce Au Milieu Du Ve Siècle. [REVIEW]F. Enriques - 1936 - Scientia 30 (59):107.
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  18. Hadis-Rey Tartışmasının Hüküm Tespitine Etkisi: Hükmün Kaynağı Probleminin Kelamla İlişkisi Bağlamında Bir Değerlendirme.Elmas Gülhan Gençdoğan - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 56:119-142.
    Hükmün tanımına ilişkin fıkıh usulünde ortaya çıkan farklılıklar kelâmî bir zemin barındırmaktadır. Alaaddin es-Semerkandî hüküm teorisinin kelâmî zemininden bahsetmekte ve hükmün mahiyetine ilişkin farklılıklara itikadî ayrışmaların etkisini dile getirmektedir. Mu’tezile’nin şer’ gelmeden de fiillerin hükümlerinin bilinebileceğine ilişkin hüsun-kubuh anlayışına bir reaksiyon olarak Eş’arîler; aklın bir fiilin hüsun ve kubhuna dair hüküm veremeyeceği, aklın nimet verene şükretmeyi gerektirmeyeceği ve şer’ gelmeden önce fiillerin hükmünün bulunmadığı iddiasındadırlar. Hüküm teorisinde ortaya çıkan görüş farklılıklarının temellerinde hadis-rey problemi de yatmaktadır. Kur'an ve sünnetin en önemli (...)
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  19. Benito Arias Montano. Emblemas para Una biblización de la política.Luis Durán Guerra - 2008 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 21 (22):238.
    Este trabajo trata sobre el pensamiento político del humanista español Benito Arias Montano . Consta de dos partes: en la primera se estudia la actuación política de Arias Montano como consejero del rey Felipe II en Flandes; en la segunda se comenta elDavid , obra publicada por Arias Montano en colaboración con el artista holandés Philippe Galle en Amberes, donde se puede apreciar su alegoría sacro política.PALABRAS CLAVE: Arias Montano, Philippe Galle, Felipe II, política, República Cristiana Católica, metafórica teocrática, (...)
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    Fıkıh Usûlünün Yenilenmesi Tartışmalarında Fikrî ve Felsefî Yaklaşım.Seracettin Eraydin - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (2):1383-1410.
    İslam hukuku tarihine baktığımızda fıkıh usûlünün bir süreç içerisinde geliştiğini söylemek mümkündür. Bu süreç içerisinde, mezhep imamları de-diğimiz müçtehitler başta olmak üzere birçok âlimin, fıkıh usûlü ilminin yapısını oluşturan katkılarından bahsedilebilir. Örneğin İmam Ebû Hanîfe’nin istihsana başvurması, İmam Mâlik’in amel-i ehli Medine ile amel etmesi ve İmam Şafiî’nin hem Ehl-i rey hem de Ehl-i hadisin fıkhını mezcederek elde ettiği formasyonla “er-Risâle” adlı eserinde bir usûl ortaya koyması fıkıh usûlü ilminin yapısını oluşturan katkıların başında gelmektedir. Bu katkıların yanında özellikle mezheplerin kurumsallaştığı (...)
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    M'likîlerin Nec'setler ve Kadınların Özel Halleriyle İlgili Cumhura Muhalefet Ettiği Bazı Fıkhî Meseleler.Abdülkadir Tekin & Osman Şahin - 2024 - Marifetname 11 (2):391-419.
    Bu çalışmada İmam Mâlik’in/Mâlikîlerin necasetler ve kadınların özel halleriyle ilgili üç sünni mezhep başta olmak üzere cumhura muhalefet ettiği ve bu mezhebin karakteristiği haline gelen bazı temel meselelerden yola çıkılarak onların Hicaz bölgesi kaynaklı bir mezhep olarak eser çizgisinde mi rey çizgisinde mi yahut bu iki arasında olup esere mi daha yakın olduğu ihtimallerini ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Bu noktada Mâlikîlerin ve diğer mezheplerin muteber klasik kaynakları ile “ihtilâfu’l-fukahâ” türünden eserlere müracaat edilmiştir. Ele alınan örneklerde Mâlikîlerin görüşleri şöyledir: Suların pislenmesi konusunda (...)
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  22. The theory of eternal recurrence in modern philosophy of science, with special reference to C. S. Peirce.Milic Capek - 1960 - Journal of Philosophy 57 (9):289-296.
    The cyclical theory f time, which is better known under the name of the 'theory of eternal recurrence,' is usually associated with certain ancient thinkers--in particular, Pythagoreans and Stoics. The most famous among those who have tried to revive the theory in the modern era is unquestionably Friedrich Nietzsche. It is less well known that the theory was defended also by C.S. Peirce and, as late as 1927, by the French historian of science, Abel Rey. The contemporary discussion of the (...)
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    Horasan Ekolünün Teşekkülünde H'tim el-Esam ve Entelektüel Ağı.Ayşegül Mete - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (48):331-359.
    Erken dönem tasavvuf tarihinde iki ana akımdan biri olarak kabul edilen Horasan tasavvuf ekolünün şekillenmesinde Hâtim el-Esam (ö.237/851) önemli bir figür olarak karşımıza çıkar. İbrahim b. Edhem (ö.161/778) ve Şakîk-i Belhî (ö.194/810) kanalıyla gelen öğretinin Horasan ve Maveraünnehir genelinde aktarım ve intişarının sağlamasında onun etkin bir rol oynadığı bilinir. Aynı zamanda yetiştirdiği talebeleriyle Melâmetîliğin teşekkülüne katkı sağladığı kabul edilir. Bu makale Hâtim el-Esam’ın entelektüel açıdan kimliği ve ilişkiler ağının tespitine odaklanmaktadır. Herhangi bir akademik çalışmaya konu edilmediği görülen söz konusu odağı, (...)
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  24. On universal Free Choice items.Paula Menéndez-Benito - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (1):33-64.
    This paper deals with the interpretation and distribution of universal Free Choice (FC) items, such as English FC any or Spanish cualquiera. Crosslinguistically, universal FC items can be characterized as follows. First, they have a restricted distribution. Second, they express freedom of choice: the sentence You can take any card conveys the information that the addressee is free to pick whichever card she chooses. Under standard assumptions, the truth conditions of sentences like You can take any card are taken to (...)
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  25. Epistemic Indefinites.Paula Menéndez-Benito - unknown
    Across languages, we find indefinites that overtly mark a speaker’s lack of knowledge: they signal that the speaker is unable to give any further information about who or what satisfies her existential claim (Becker, 1999; Haspelmath, 1997). From now on, we will refer to the marking of the speaker’s lack of knowledge as an epistemic effect and to the indefinites that induce epistemic effects as epistemic indefinites.
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    The influence of cooperative relations of small businesses on environmental protection intensity.Sonia Benito-Hernández, Manuel Platero-Jaime & Pablo Esteban-Sánchez - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (4):416-439.
    This study examines the relationship between cooperative business relations in small businesses and environmental protection, one of the most important policies of social responsibility in manufacturing. We reviewed the literature and carried out an empirical study of 930 small manufacturing firms in Spain. Results indicate that small businesses that maintain and improve their cooperative relations through business networking with universities, competitors, suppliers and customers spend more on environmental protection. The managerial, practical, research and policy implications of the obtained research findings (...)
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    Critical Realist Action Research and Humanistic Management Education.Benito Teehankee - 2018 - Humanistic Management Journal 3 (1):71-90.
    In line with its institutional commitments and in order to strengthen the relevance of its business education program in addressing the persistent social challenges facing the Philippines, Mission University revised its Master of Business Administration curriculum in 2012. A core change in the curriculum was the incorporation of action research training and the requirement for graduation of implementing and defending an action research project. The introduction of action research, which is based on critical realist philosophy of science, was intended to (...)
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    Introduction.Benito Müller - 1997 - Dialectica 51 (1):5–15.
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    Informed consent in the ethics of responsibility as stated by Emmanuel Levinas.Javier Jiménez Benito & Sonia Ester Rodríguez García - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):443-453.
    In this paper we analyze some of the major difficulties of informed consent. We consider insufficient to base IC on the principle of autonomy. We must not forget that the patient may be in a situation of extreme vulnerability and the good doctor should assume a degree of commitment and responsibility with his/her decisions. Our aim is to introduce the ethics of responsibility of Levinas in practice and theory of IC in order to generate a beneficent medical practice in which (...)
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    Structuralist knowledge representation: paradigmatic examples.P. Lorenzano, W. Balzer, C. U. Moulines & J. Sneed - 2000 - In Joseph D. Sneed, Wolfgang Balzer & C.-U. Moulines, Structuralist Knowledge Representation: Paradigmatic Examples. Rodopi.
    Contents: Foreword. Wolfgang BALZER and C. ULISES MOULINES: Introduction. José A. DÍEZ CALZADA: Structuralist Analysis of Theories of Fundamental Measurement. Adolfo GARCÍA DE LA SIENRA and Pedro REYES: The Theory of Finite Games in Extensive Form. Hans Joachim BURSCHEID und Horst STRUVE: The Theory of Stochastic Fairness - its Historical Development, Formulation and Justification. Wolfgang BALZER and Richard MATTESSICH: Formalizing the Basis of Accounting. Werner DIEDERICH: A Reconstruction of Marxian Economics. Bert HAMMINGA and Wolfgang BALZER: The Basic Structure of (...)
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    Kant in der Hispanidad.Jorge Eugenio Dotti, Harald Holz & Hans Radermacher - 1988 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Die Untersuchungen betreffen die Rezeption von kantischem Denken in der Hispanidad. Es handelt sich um Akten eines Kongresses, der 1983 an der Universitat zu Koln stattfand. Die verschiedenen Reaktionen (positive wie auch kritische) auf das kantische Denken von Autoren wie M. Nieto Serrano, J.M. Rey y Heredia, K.C.F. Krause, J. Sanz del Rio, J. Zubiri und R. Torretti werden thematisiert.".
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  32. (1 other version)De cómo completar la Tierra. El lugar histórico del pensamiento hispanoamericano según José Gaos (1900-1969).Héctor Arévalo Benito - 2015 - Eikasia. Revista de Filosofía 65:179-200.
    En este texto se analiza cómo el filósofo español exiliado en México, José Gaos (1900- 1969), considera que la filosofía hispanoamericana, e incluso las propias tierras americanas, son lugares de una “utopía – aunque no ucronía-, debido a que tanto las tradiciones trascendente-religiosas como inmanente-filosóficas europeas han convertido a América, y como resultado final de una determinada filosofía de la historia, en lugar ideal del futuro del pensamiento filosófico –y, en última instancia, del hombre contemporáneo.
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  33. The Localism of the Conserved Quality Theory.Agustín Vicente Benito - 2002 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 17 (3):563-571.
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    Os múltiplos desafios da biografia ao/à historiador/a.Benito Bisso Schmidt - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (2):44-49.
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    A localist solution to the problem of mixed inferences by juxtaposition.Carlos Benito-Monsalvo & José Martínez-Fernández - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-28.
    Logical localism is a thesis within philosophy of logic according to which the correct logic is dependent on the topic, domain or subject matter of its application. There is a very straightforward problem for anyone defending a localist thesis, a problem that follows from the fact that we reason across domains. This challenge is known as the problem of mixed inferences. The problem is, very roughly, the following: suppose that there are at least two components, within the premises or conclusion (...)
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  36. Los mitos griegos en los medios audiovisuales: una propuesta didáctica para la educación de la Ciudadanía a través de Dédalo e Ícaro.H. Benito - 2015 - In L. Villagómez Peñaloza, Arrebatos de la Realidad (Psic. y Violencia).
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    La intencionalidad operante en Merleau-Ponty.Benito Arias Garcia - 1997 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 2:5-25.
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    El vínculo entre libertad política y trabajo de la Revolución Francesa a 1848.Pablo Scotto Benito - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 39.
    En la Revolución Francesa, la extensión del ideal de una comunidad política de ciudadanos libres e iguales va acompañada de una nueva concepción del trabajo. El trabajo se convierte en el principal medio de integración social, sea a través del esfuerzo individual que conduce a la propiedad, sea a través de la asistencia a los pobres. Esta transición de una sociedad feudal a otra basada en la libertad de trabajo y el Estado asistencial sienta las bases para el surgimiento de (...)
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  39. Expressing Indifference: Spanish Un NP Cualquiera.Paula Menéndez-Benito - unknown
    Across languages, we find indefinites that trigger modal inferences. Some of these indefinites, like Spanish un NP cualquiera or the Korean -na indeterminates (Choi 2007) convey indifference on the part of an agent. In this paper, we assess whether a number of proposals on the market can be extended to account for the indifference component of un NP cualquiera.
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  40. El joven Rof Carballo y la "Escuela de Madrid" (Ortega, Morente y Gaos). Apuntes sobre su contexto filosófico.H. Benito - 2015 - In Antonio Piñas Mesa, Psicosomática, medicina y filosofía: Estudios de humanidades médicas en torno al pensamiento de Juan Rof Carballo. pp. 211-236.
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    Europa, ¿dónde estás? Meditando la crisis de identidad del viejo continente con Joseph Ratzinger.Benito Enrique García Guerrero - 2023 - Isidorianum 32 (2):237-272.
    Este trabajo quiere responder a la demanda de quienes buscan una introducción breve pero significativa a las reflexiones de Joseph Ratzinger sobre la identidad histórica de Europa. Se trata de un estudio que, desde la perspectiva del teólogo alemán, realiza un somero itinerario por la historia político-espiritual de Europa, subrayando la cesura que constituyó el siglo XX, y que finaliza con algunas propuestas para construir una Europa con futuro. Entre éstas no conviene olvidar la luz que proviene de los extraños (...)
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  42. Two Types of Weak Determiners: Evidence from Spanish.Paula MenÉNdez-Benito - unknown
    Weak determiners have both a presuppositional and a non presuppositional reading. Two ways of accounting for this fact have been proposed. The Ambiguity Approach (Partee 1989, Diesing 1992, de Hoop 1992) posits that weak determiners are ambiguous. The Pragmatic Approach (Büring 1996) claims that we do not need to postulate an ambiguity in the semantics: the presuppositional reading arises as a result of presuppositions triggered by topic/focus marking. In this paper we explore the possibility that both theories are needed. We (...)
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    Schelling, Deleuze y Las Reacciones Anticartesiana y Antihegeliana.Benito Arbaizar Gil - 2023 - Endoxa 51.
    El presente artículo se centra en destacar el modo en que Schelling aparece en la obra de Deleuze como un eslabón que permite vincular la reacción anticartesiana de Spinoza y Leibniz (reivindicadora de la dimensión apetitiva de la naturaleza) con la propia actitud antihegeliana de Deleuze. El giro voluntarista que Schelling imprime a la filosofía es igualmente prolongado por Deleuze y Guattari cuando establecen la esquizofrenia como inconsciente ontológico libidinar por el que circulan libremente las intensidades deseantes. Del mismo modo, (...)
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    Espinosa e a diversidade entre estudantes do Ensino Médio.Benito Maeso - 2023 - Cadernos Espinosanos 49:129-153.
    Dentro do programa curricular da Base Nacional Comum para o Ensino Médio, a promoção da ética e dos direitos humanos é uma categoria constitutiva do programa das Ciências Humanas, no geral, e da Filosofia, em particular. Com base neste pressuposto, o artigo relata uma experiência de abordagem sobre questões de etnia, gênero e sexualidade em turmas do 2º ano do Ensino Médio do IFPR, campus Colombo, a partir de uma leitura de elementos selecionados da Ética e do Tratado Teológico-Político de (...)
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    Descartes, Freud y Lacan: el pasaje al acto y la pesadilla.Benito Arbaizar Gil - 2023 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 56 (2):327-344.
    Partiendo de la noción lacaniana de pasaje al acto se interpreta el proceso de la duda y los momentos clave de su superación en los términos de un pasaje al acto humano que dará lugar al cogito y un acto divino que dará lugar al orden inmutable de las verdades eternas. De ese modo se trata de explicar el modo en el que Descartes constituye el marco fantasmático de la ciencia. Si bien en el seguimiento del proceso de la duda (...)
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    hábito como forma de libertad a la luz de Ricoeur.Isabel Morales Benito - 2023 - Pensamiento 79 (302):27-49.
    El hábito es una de las encrucijadas filosóficas en las que el dilema entre naturaleza y libertad se pone de manifiesto. El artículo expone la descripción que Paul Ricoeur ofrece sobre esta noción en Lo voluntario y lo involuntario (1950) y defiende que el hábito constituye una genuina y paradójica forma de libertad, pues ésta se realiza gracias y a través de la necesidad. Se tiene en consideración el difícil punto de partida de Ricoeur, quien, por una parte, rechaza lo (...)
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  47.  32
    Consumo e hipermodernidad: una revisión de la teoría de Gilles Lipovetsky.Luis E. Alonso Benito & Carlos J. Fernández Rodríguez - 2010 - Anuario Filosófico:325.
    Dentro de la sociología francesa actual, Gilles Lipovetsky se ha convertido de forma paulatina en uno de los sociólogos con mayor proyección internacional, con sus finos análisis sobre las sociedades postmodernas. En este artículo se plantea una revisión crítica de las principales líneas argumentativas que expone el autor francés. El objetivo es el de reflexionar sobre las limitaciones de su aproximación a los conceptos de postmodernidad, hipermodernidad, y consumo.
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  48.  3
    “Pais e filhos”: a recepção de Hegel nas filosofias francófilas no século XX.Benito Eduardo Araujo Maeso - 2025 - Dois Pontos 21 (3).
    Busca-se avaliar o impacto da difusão da filosofia de Hegel na França até os anos 1950, assim como a ruptura efetuada pela geração de filósofos que ganha espaço no debate da segunda metade do século XX, com ecos na filosofia brasileira a partir deste período. Nomes como Althusser, Lacan, Foucault e Deleuze estabelecem relações próprias com a herança do filósofo suábio, oscilando da influência profunda à completa ojeriza, impactando mundialmente a discussão sobre o hegelianismo: ou tábua de salvação ou alvo (...)
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  49. Algunos destellos de la luz de Spinoza: de una metáfora de Dilthey al relámpago en Romain Rolland.Benito Olalla & María Pilar - 2012 - Endoxa 29:133-164.
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  50.  24
    Neoliberalismo en Argentina.Patricia Benito - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (1):1-10.
    El trabajo aborda la producción de las artes visuales desde sus prácticas y procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en cruce con las políticas neoliberales en Argentina. Nos interesa detenernos en identificar cómo se introduce esta doctrina política y los alcances que llega a tener en las artes visuales hasta la actualidad. El recorrido que se propone es a través de una perspectiva interdisciplinaria guiada por la lectura de autores clave. Proceso que nos permite poner en tensión y/o articular universos conceptuales, (...)
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